


Goal of the game:


Arrange the tiles such that every 2*2 complete square of the puzzle Sums up to 21 in given number of moves.


There are 8 such squares.Square with an empty tile is not counted.

How to Play: Slide the tiles horizontally/vertically adjacent to empty tile to make the movement.Each number can only appear once in a 2*2 square or a vertical row.First two numbers in the first horizontal row are at their correct place i.e. 3 & 8 in the first image and 5 &6 in the second one.Do not move them .Number on tile moved turns black until next move if moved at its correct position.At the end of the game empty tile comes at the right bottom corner of screen.There are 7 such puzzles.Solving one puzzle takes you to the next one.Try to make maximum 2*2 square with sum of 21 in minimum time and minimum moves to score more.

Have fun with TwentyOne!!!!!!!! :)

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