


Introducing TrueDating4U - meet new people, one tap at a time.

TrueDating4U brings dating to the palm of your hand - meeting new and interesting people has never been easier. We are not the biggest dating service, but our extensive list of friendly and honest users makes TrueDating4U the ultimate place to go when searching for a fresh relationship.

Meet new people on the go and start relationships wherever you are - our effortless dating service removes the barrier between you and your partner, so that you can get to the next stage in your flourishing relationship. Send and receive messages effortlessly, TrueDating4U lets you send a message to anyone you like - without boundaries.

Sign in or register an account from anywhere, add a profile picture and fill in your details - within merely seconds you will be part of an ever-growing community of people just like you. TrueDating4U was created to be the best place to go to sprout a new relationship - there are dozens of potential partners at your fingertips, just a tap away.

Chat on the go - the TrueDating4U mobile application ensures that you never miss a beat. View your current relationships and search for users wherever you are!

Explore a new way to form relationships - download TrueDating4U today.

- Sign in or create a new account within seconds.


- Message any user straight from the app!


- Search for any user instantly!


- View your account and your relationships!



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