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【免費財經App】True Loan Rate Calculator-APP點子

Calculate loan rates and payments.

True Loan Rate (TLR), formerly True Borrowing Cost - the complete cost of borrowing in per cent per annum. It includes all kinds of payments on loan, allowing effective comparison of different loan products. Now with General Loan calculations.

Equivalent Interest Rate (EIR) - loan interest rate for the same amount, with the same costs, but without the commissions. In other words, the equivalent interest rate reflects the higher costs of servicing a loan due to the commissions, as if there are no commissions, but the rate itself is increased

We did our best to include as many types of a borrower’s expenses as possible. Results may depend on a bank whose product’s TBC is to be calculated. It is therefore reasonable to include all expenses, even insurance, although most of banks will disagree.

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【免費財經App】True Loan Rate Calculator-APP點子

【免費財經App】True Loan Rate Calculator-APP點子

【免費財經App】True Loan Rate Calculator-APP點子

【免費財經App】True Loan Rate Calculator-APP點子

【免費財經App】True Loan Rate Calculator-APP點子

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