Tree Optimizer|商業線上App不用買


【免費商業App】Tree Optimizer-APP點子

Tree Optimizer is a decision support tool designed for forest professionals, timber sale buyers and woodlot managers to help with tree processing. Often a tree can have multiple potential markets each with different values and different processing specifications. For example, a high quality Douglas Fir could be processed into a peeler for plywood, a metric saw-log for overseas markets, or domestic saw-log. Tree Optimizer models a tree using user inputs for diameter and height then allows the user to try different processing scenarios to determine the best fit.

【免費商業App】Tree Optimizer-APP點子

Version 1.0 of Tree Optimizer is FREE and available for download! Version 1.0 is still quite early in its development and may be missing some important features that will make it a truly valuable tool. You are encouraged to use the free version and provide us with feedback and feature requests that can be incorporated into upcoming releases.

【免費商業App】Tree Optimizer-APP點子

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