Time calculator as simple|生產應用線上App不用買


【免費生產應用App】Time calculator as simple-APP點子

It is an application to be able to simplify the calculation of time.

【免費生產應用App】Time calculator as simple-APP點子

What time is a fraction what many minutes seconds later What time how many minutes? It is very convenient because she can in an instant calculation of complex time of such.

【免費生產應用App】Time calculator as simple-APP點子

For very light application, I can use crunchy with a very simple operation.

Of course to calculate a little time daily, it is recommended for those who have been working for frequent computation of time, such as program production companies and TV stations.

【免費生產應用App】Time calculator as simple-APP點子

You can not only calculate the time, also the calculation of the The elapsed time.

In the calculation of the time, of course, time and number of minutes after the future, I can be calculated at the touch of a button and also time minutes before in the past.

【免費生產應用App】Time calculator as simple-APP點子

In addition, the calculation of time consecutive number of minutes after the number of seconds before the hours after such called ... is also possible.

In addition, you can also enter a start time and an end time, to calculate the The elapsed time.

【免費生產應用App】Time calculator as simple-APP點子

You can then also be reflected in the calculation of the time that The elapsed time.

You can calculate the result of time is stored when you exit the app, you must enter from the more the next time you start up.

To reset the data, please press and hold "long tap to delete all" button.

Also the calculation of the time troublesome unexpectedly, so you can accurately easily if there is this app, please use it convenient to install all means.

Since it has been in very light application to the limit to simplify the design and functionality, the better the capacity of the terminal to be worried about is reliable.

Who are often those who have been programming for television and radio, towards the timekeeper, who master room service television stations, such as those of the work dealing with timecode, the computation of time, but also for work by all means please use it.

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免費玩Time calculator as simple App

Time calculator as simple APP LOGO

Time calculator as simple LOGO-APP點子

Time calculator as simple APP QRCode

Time calculator as simple QRCode-APP點子
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