Throw Something! meme messages|社交線上App不用買


【免費社交App】Throw Something! meme messages-APP點子

A picture says a thousand words - show someone how you feel and Throw Something! Meme messages are the future!

- Has someone been a star? Throw one!

- Was your friend a bit bananas last night? Throw a bunch!

- Tired of people being a grouch? Throw a trash can at 'em!

Throw Something is instant meme messaging with sound; the perfect way to stay in touch because sometimes a Yo just isn't enough!


Simply login with Facebook (don't worry, we don't keep or want any of your details!).

On your first login you may need to tell your friends to install the Throw Something! app before you can grab a meme and throw it. The app can help you and pop a message on your wall to let everyone know, but it's up to you.

Found some buddies that are online now? Excellent! Simply pick their profile, choose a meme, and.... Throw Something!

Make sure you turn up the volume to hear the sound effects, especially when you check your own messages!

【免費社交App】Throw Something! meme messages-APP點子

【免費社交App】Throw Something! meme messages-APP點子

【免費社交App】Throw Something! meme messages-APP點子

【免費社交App】Throw Something! meme messages-APP點子

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免費玩Throw Something! meme messages App

Throw Something! meme messages APP LOGO

Throw Something! meme messages LOGO-APP點子

Throw Something! meme messages APP QRCode

Throw Something! meme messages QRCode-APP點子
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