The book of my recipes Lite|生活線上App不用買


【免費生活App】The book of my recipes Lite-APP點子

This application will let you store and share your recipes simply and intuitively.

【免費生活App】The book of my recipes Lite-APP點子

You've jotted down a recipe on paper and you don’t want to rewrite it? No problem, click on the new recipe, select the sort of dish (appetizer, first course, etc.), give it a name and photograph your notes.

【免費生活App】The book of my recipes Lite-APP點子

At this point, your recipe will be saved and you can see it the list of recipes. If someone asks you "would you give me your recipe for ...?" no problem, find the recipe by name or by ingredient and share it on your Facebook profile or send it by email to your friends. They will be thrilled!.(Pro Version)

【免費生活App】The book of my recipes Lite-APP點子

Want to stay informed on the recipes posted by users of the App? Follow the Twitter profile @lemiericetteapp or the Fan page

【免費生活App】The book of my recipes Lite-APP點子

This App has been created by cooking enthusiasts who felt the need to have tool such as this. Like all Apps, this is continually evolving with new features.

【免費生活App】The book of my recipes Lite-APP點子

Want to contribute or report a bug? Write to

• Write your recipes

【免費生活App】The book of my recipes Lite-APP點子

• Share your recipes on Facebook or email (Pro Version)

• Developed by cooking enthusiasts

• Record your audio recipe (Pro Version)

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