The Whiskey Brothers|娛樂線上App不用買


【免費娛樂App】The Whiskey Brothers-APP點子

Listen to the Whiskey Brothers podcast as they become available! Just load up the app and enjoy.

You can either stream or download each podcast. Streaming allows you to immediately listen to the podcast you select, but you can't skip through to other parts of the podcast and you may experience some "cutting out" if you don't have a consistently strong connection.

In the Options page (choose Options from the menu that pops-up by pressing the Options button on your device), you can select how the app reacts to you tapping a podcast: Always Download and Play (Optional Auto-Play After Download) or Always Stream.

By downloading a podcast, you won't experience the "cutting out" and you can skip to different parts of the podcast as you please.

Downloaded episodes have an underlined down arrow next to their names.


You can press-and-hold the episode in the list for a menu that will give you the option to download, stream or delete the podcast.

While listening to a podcast, you can press-and-hold the track position or track duration textboxes on either side of the episode progress bar to jump to a specific point in the podcast.

Tap the Whiskey Brothers icon at the top-left of the screen to bring up the menu: Podcasts, Options, Links, Contact, Support, Drunk Dial and Exit.

Podcasts for the main screen to listen to episodes.

Options to decide how to handle episodes when you tap their titles.

【免費娛樂App】The Whiskey Brothers-APP點子

Links for links to each brother's website and the Whiskey Brothers website.

Contact to send an email to the Whiskey Brothers.

【免費娛樂App】The Whiskey Brothers-APP點子

Support to send an email to the app developer.

Drunk Dial to give the Whiskey Brothers a drunken voicemail that might be played on the podcast if you're lucky.

【免費娛樂App】The Whiskey Brothers-APP點子

Exit to close to the app.

【免費娛樂App】The Whiskey Brothers-APP點子

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免費玩The Whiskey Brothers App

The Whiskey Brothers APP LOGO

The Whiskey Brothers LOGO-APP點子

The Whiskey Brothers APP QRCode

The Whiskey Brothers QRCode-APP點子
Google Play
3.0 (Jameson)