These days past, when sending Your Excellency my plays, that had appeared in print before being shown on the stage, I said, if I remember well, that D...
Læs og lyt til e-bøger og lydbøger med Riidr Bøger applikationen! Download Riidr Bøger gratis nu, så er en god læseoplevelse kun sekunder væk. Riidrs ...
This is an account of the Grade of Magus, the highest grade which it is ever possible to manifest in any way whatever upon this plane. Or so it is sai...
KABBALA DENUDATA: THE KABBALAH UNVEILEDAn extensive introduction to the Kabbalah. Includes translations of three texts from branch of the Kabbalah kno...
This is a short monograph on the Kabbalah, written from a purely academic and somewhat critical point of view. The literature about the Kabbalah in th...
古兰经 (Quran in chinese)《可蘭經》(或譯《古蘭經》;阿拉伯语:أَلْقُرآن,意思是“誦讀”,英语:Quran;Koran),是伊斯蘭教的最高經典,共有30卷114章6236節,每一章以一個阿拉伯語詞作為名稱。穆斯林認為《可蘭經》是真主阿拉的話語,通過大天使吉卜利里(加百列...