The Hookup Test: Whipped Edition|娛樂線上App不用買


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Are you ready to find out if you are in a healthy relationship? Download today to find out if you are whipped!

***The Hookup test is not only for men in relationships, but for the man not able to remain in a relationship and women who have failed in relationships because they think they desire a whipped male-- a metro male. Their fantasies do more harm then good.***

This test was created using results gathered by two research psychologists, one from Berlin and one from New York City. They performed a study on healthy and unhealthy relationships. The study looked into whether it was possible to correlate being whipped with a group of actions or phrases. They determined that if you could relate to certain phrases, then you were mentally whipped. They also determined that there were multiple whipped stages.

Awkward Studios partnered with them and was able to use their research to create ‘The Hookup Test: Whipped Edition’. The test can effectively diagnose if an individual is “whipped” or not. Stage one of being whipped occurs in the first six weeks of the relationship, also known as “The Hook-up” stage of the relationship. The male will do anything and everything for “it”, even if that includes giving up a portion of his masculinity. The male is easily overpowered by thoughts of sex.

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Stage two of being whipped occurs between 3 and 6 month of being in a relation and is also known as the “True Love” stage of the relationship. The male has continued his destructive habit and gives up even more of his masculinity, allowing the female to start wearing the pants in the relationship and she likes it. The Metro male is born.

Stage three, the “Marriage Vow” stage, can render the male completely powerless. His life is now unfulfilled and his thoughts wander. The deeper the lie, the more he hides until who he is, no longer exists. Then one day, he drives to the store to get her favorite ice cream and never returns. All is melted. The Judge said it is cheaper to keep her but you never really knew her.

‘The Hookup Test: Whipped Edition’ allows you to test yourself against their research and to find out if you fall into the first stage of being “whipped”. These are the first tests that introduce Psychometric Sexology™ to the world market.

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Download it today to find out if you are whipped!

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