Test your Reaction|街機線上App不用買


【免費街機App】Test your Reaction-APP點子

Test your reaction with this neat little app. After pressing the start button, the app will wait for a short period before prompting you to hit the button again as fast as possible. It will display your reaction time. Note that I'm NOT a professional programmer, this is my first app and I made it just out of fun, so don't expect too much. Also, constructive feedback would be highly appreciated. I tested this app thoroughly and did not encounter any bugs or problems. However, by downloading and/or installing the app, you agree that the download and use is at your own risk and you are solely responsible for any damage to your device or system. (Although this will not happen as the app does not do that much :-)) Stuff I plan to add(soon): - Multiplayer Mode (Locally), so you can compete with anyone.

【免費街機App】Test your Reaction-APP點子

【免費街機App】Test your Reaction-APP點子

【免費街機App】Test your Reaction-APP點子

【免費街機App】Test your Reaction-APP點子

免費玩Test your Reaction APP玩免費

免費玩Test your Reaction App

Test your Reaction APP LOGO

Test your Reaction LOGO-APP點子

Test your Reaction APP QRCode

Test your Reaction QRCode-APP點子
Google Play