Regenradar Bonn zeigt aktuelle Niederschläge im Großraum Bonn an (Umkreis max. 100 KM). Die Darstellung erfolgt in Form von animierten Radarbildern, d...
FEATURES DER PRO-Version (in Klammern: kostenlose Version im Vergleich):max. Warndistanz: 200 km (100 km)min. Warnfrequenz: 15 Min. (30 Min.)Inaktivit...
Clear Weather is a no-nonsense home screen widget that shows current temperature and relative humidity on your home screen. This widget is using Open ...
Cricket Chips have been known for centuries to bring good luck! Cricket Temp calculates the approximate ambient temperature by counting cricket chirps...
Reliable Australian surf forecasts for the experienced surfer. Concise, uncluttered interface. Avoids subjective interpretation and extrapolation of r...
Windspotter is the indispensable tool for windependent sportsmen to get to the right spot on the water. Get REAL INFO from real wind/kite surfers. LIV...