TcTrips Istanbul|旅遊線上App不用買


【免費旅遊App】TcTrips Istanbul-APP點子

Only now for 1.99 EUR you get:

- 1 ready-made route of theme trip

- a list of over 1000 restaurants divided according to the types of cuisine

Follow in the footsteps of the local resident of the city of Istanbul! Download the TCTRIPS ISTANBUL app and see how life in a city located on seven hills and two continents looks like. Let yourself be surprised by the variety of Istanbul and the TcTrips tour. Set out on this trip around the city full of contrasts.

【免費旅遊App】TcTrips Istanbul-APP點子

Right now in the TCTRIPS ISTANBUL application there are:

1. ALONGSIDE THE GOLDEN HORN – stroll around city spots most popular among the locals, nearby the Golden Horn Gulf; the trip includes 8 points.

- a list of over 1000 restaurants divided according to the types of cuisine

With Tc Trips mobile applications sightseeing gains new meaning:

- every application is available in 5 language versions: English, Spanish, German, Russian and Polish

【免費旅遊App】TcTrips Istanbul-APP點子

- every trip is applied to the requirements of 4 target groups: family, friends, couple, single

- the trip includes descriptions of every point on the route, as well as descriptions of how to get there

- pictures of every point

- your own travel diary – a collection of photos and posts from the trip, which can be added thanks to the application (with a possibility to post them also on FaceBook)

- push notifications

- travel diary – all memories in one app; a collection of photos and posts from the trip, which can be added thanks to the application (with a possibility to post them also on FaceBook

【免費旅遊App】TcTrips Istanbul-APP點子

- restaurants divided according to the types of cuisine on the map in the “City map” bookmark

- push notifications – users of the app will be the first to know about new trips and attractive prices

- AR navigation in GUIDE points

【免費旅遊App】TcTrips Istanbul-APP點子

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免費玩TcTrips Istanbul App

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TcTrips Istanbul APP QRCode

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