Talking Times Tables Trainer|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】Talking Times Tables Trainer-APP點子

Talking Times Tables helps to practice and memorize times tables.

Hear, See and Memorize the times tables.

This app is for children who need to learn times tables by heart.

【免費教育App】Talking Times Tables Trainer-APP點子

It helps to memorize them quickly and easily, by seeing and hearing the questions and correct answers and by fast repetition of questions.

【免費教育App】Talking Times Tables Trainer-APP點子

Solve multiplications and discover the hidden picture.

A correct answer is rewarded with coins, A fast correct answer is rewarded extra.

【免費教育App】Talking Times Tables Trainer-APP點子

3,4 or 5 coins buy a puzzle piece. The name of the fastest player is displayed in the overview.

This game is suited for the absolute beginners, who tend spend too much time guessing, or recalculating every answer. Talking Times Tables starts as easy as possible. The questions become more challenging while your child grows in skill. Even beginners repeat a lot of questions with little errors. Questions start easy, in ascending order,1x3=? 2x3=? etcetera.

The difficulty of the questions is adapted every time to the players skill.

This free game offers the times tables from 1 to 15.

Talking Times Tables uses the Text-to-Speech engine of the device.

【免費教育App】Talking Times Tables Trainer-APP點子

Extra voices or other languages can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

Good quality voices from SVOX, Ivona or Acapela are commercially available.

ESpeak is a free text-to-speech engine for many languages.

The game development was based on 3 principles

1 repetition is the mother of skill

【免費教育App】Talking Times Tables Trainer-APP點子

To become good at something, you have to repeat something over and over again. While repetition is a great thing, repeating mistakes should be avoided. This app uses something called "guided learning". The questions are built up, so it's easy enough to get the answers right most of the time. Thus, the whole phrase, including the correct answer, like `6 times 9 equals 54` is repeated many times. This instead of `6 times 9 is a big number with 5`

2 learning something you need to learn is easier

In games, learning the skills of the game goes automatically. To advance in the game, you have to become better. In this game, the skills you need to learn (the maths tables) are required to get further in the game.

3 Both seeing and hearing at the same time is more effective

【免費教育App】Talking Times Tables Trainer-APP點子

Childrens learning strategies can be very different. While some learn easier by seeing, others need to hear things to learn best. This game uses both seeing and hearing to double effectiveness.

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