Switches - Turn Them All Off!|解謎線上App不用買


【免費解謎App】Switches - Turn Them All Off!-APP點子

Switches is a puzzle game where your goal is to turn all the switches off. What makes this difficult, is that changing the state of a switch will inverse the switches around it.

Currently, this is just an experimental release. The Play button is disabled, as there is no "Story" mode yet. You can currently create your own level and publish them online, as well as view and play others. No score tracking or win counts are active. These will be done in a future release.

【免費解謎App】Switches - Turn Them All Off!-APP點子

【免費解謎App】Switches - Turn Them All Off!-APP點子

【免費解謎App】Switches - Turn Them All Off!-APP點子

【免費解謎App】Switches - Turn Them All Off!-APP點子

【免費解謎App】Switches - Turn Them All Off!-APP點子

【免費解謎App】Switches - Turn Them All Off!-APP點子

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免費玩Switches - Turn Them All Off! App

Switches - Turn Them All Off! APP LOGO

Switches - Turn Them All Off! LOGO-APP點子

Switches - Turn Them All Off! APP QRCode

Switches - Turn Them All Off! QRCode-APP點子
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