Surviving the Recession|財經線上App不用買


【免費財經App】Surviving the Recession-APP點子

There are always ups and downs in economy. There's always another recession on the horizon.

Bearing that in mind, the advice we attempt to put across in the text you're about to read is not exclusive to this recession. Rather, one should always know how to survive, and how to thrive, in a bad economy.

This recession will end, sooner or later, but it won't be the last. Learn from these tough times, and store that knowledge away until the next time the dollar starts losing value.

Here is what you will discover inside:

【免費財經App】Surviving the Recession-APP點子

# Economics 101: Understanding Slumps And Recessions

# Economics 102: Understanding The Job Market During Hard Times

# Versatility: The Number One Qualification

# The Truth About Job Hunting

# Persistence: It's Not Just An Inspirational Poster

# Covering Your Needs

【免費財經App】Surviving the Recession-APP點子

# What To Do Now That You Have A Job

# Stepping Stones: Moving Up The Ladder In A Bad Economy

# Keeping At Your Long Term Goals In A Recession

# Thriving In Hard Times

As long as you go in with the right attitude, as long as you are qualified, passionate, and confident, then you already have an edge on the competition.

【免費財經App】Surviving the Recession-APP點子

Remember, if you can thrive during a recession, you can do anything.

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