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This app comes with great features and readable functions for every android device from a phone, to a mini tablet to a full fledged tablet. With text searchability and read aloud features this could be the app every Student Pilot seeks.

【免費書籍App】Student Pilot Guide-APP點子

STUDENT PILOT GUIDE: Before you begin flight training, it is important to have a basic understanding of the responsibilities, safety regulations, and issues applicable to such an endeavor. This includes the choice of a flight school, selected study materials, study habits, and the role of the instructor, student, and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Also publication is intended to serve as a guide for prospective student pilots and for those already engaged in flight training. This guide presents in “how to” fashion, general procedures for obtaining FAA student pilot, sport pilot, recreational pilot, and private pilot certificates. Contents: INTRODUCTION, Role of the FAA, Flight Standards District Offices (FSDOs), Choosing a Flight School, The Role of the Instructor, What Flight Training Requires, Instructor and Student Relationship, Medical Requirements, Knowledge Tests, Preparing to Study for the Knowledge Test, Study Materials, Suggested Study Materials, How to Obtain Study Materials, How to Study for the Knowledge Test, Study Habits, When to Take the Knowledge Test, Where to Take the Knowledge Test, The Knowledge Test Content and Format, Practical Test Standards, Most Frequently Asked Questions, Student Pilot Flight Training, Student Pilot Requirements: Medical and Student Pilot Certificates, Sport Pilot, Recreational Pilot, and Private Pilot Knowledge Tests, Sport Pilot, Recreational Pilot, and Private Pilot Practical Tests.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is an agency of the United States Department of Transportation with authority to regulate and oversee all aspects of civil aviation in the U.S. (National Airworthiness Authority). The Federal Aviation Act of 1958 created the group under the name "Federal Aviation Agency", and adopted its current name in 1967 when it became a part of the United States Department of Transportation. The Federal Aviation Administration's major roles include: Regulating U.S. commercial space transportation. Regulating air navigation facilities' geometry and Flight inspection standards. Encouraging and developing civil aeronautics, including new aviation technology. Issuing, suspending, or revoking pilot certificates. Regulating civil aviation to promote safety, especially through local offices called Flight Standards District Offices. Developing and operating a system of air traffic control and navigation for both civil and military aircraft. Researching and developing the National Airspace System and civil aeronautics. Developing and carrying out programs to control aircraft noise and other environmental effects of civil aviation.

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