Stop the Snacking Weight Loss Hypnosis App-Charles Lewis|健康線上App不用買


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Welcome to the Stop the Snacking Hypnosis Programme. Here you will find the audio and video to help your subconscious mind curb its desire to snack. It will allow you to not only stop the snacking but when the snacking is too overwhelming, make you realise that a glass of water or fruit is a more than applicable substitute.

【免費健康App】Stop the Snacking Weight Loss Hypnosis App-Charles Lewis-APP點子

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Bonus workout logs and planners.

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【免費健康App】Stop the Snacking Weight Loss Hypnosis App-Charles Lewis-APP點子

This audio/video app will allow you to change your habits for the long term, allowing you to stop the things that are making you put weight on and instead, keep the weight off.

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Stop the Snacking Weight Loss Hypnosis App-Charles Lewis APP LOGO

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Stop the Snacking Weight Loss Hypnosis App-Charles Lewis APP QRCode

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