Collect the Diamonds scattered across the galaxy in Bad Star an original and dynamic physics based game. In Bad Star, gravity, skill and fuel efficien...
This is the FIRST 15 LEVELS of Bad Star, completely free to play!Collect the Diamonds scattered across the galaxy in Bad Star an original and dynamic ...
Are you ready to have some fun in the bad tire depot?With this clever and addictive game with amazing graphics you sure will! It may seem simple but i...
You're trapped in the castle of the vampires, you have to hold out until dawn and not be bitten. Use your stake and use your power-ups to resister the...
Your neighbors have irritated you for the last time! Destroy their house indirectly, using the weather. No one will expect you... There is a selection...
Your neighbors have irritated you for the last time! Destroy their house indirectly, using the weather. No one will expect you... There is a selection...