Spot the Difference|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】Spot the Difference-APP點子


【免費教育App】Spot the Difference-APP點子

♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.

♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching the app. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from below link.

App best viewed in portrait mode

♦ Are you good at finding hidden objects? How sharp are your eyes and your memory to spot the object that is missing? Let’s test them with the app Spot the Difference . This app helps the kids on the spectrum to spot hidden objects from similar looking pictures. It is an easy and fun way to sharpen your eyes and memory. Try this app and start spotting the objects today.

It may not work for devices running on ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich)

***About WebTeam Corporation***

Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-based mobile application development firm that has pioneered the development of an autism management program comprising screening, assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism apps help parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and other stakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle of autism from infancy to adulthood and employment.

By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicates individualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby making these necessary services available to the under-served population globally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessary to tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.

WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology, which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Award competition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently to foster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one of the world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.

【免費教育App】Spot the Difference-APP點子

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