SpeakFrench helps learners to memorise more than 500 basic French words, allows learners to record their voice and compare with a male or female native speaker.
Foresta d'acqua è un percorso multimediale / reale che ti permetterà di scoprire attraverso 16 tappe le bellezze naturalistiche, storiche e culturali ...
The Formative Histories Walking Tour is a guide to architecturally significant sites on Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia.Take this app with you an...
La fornace romana di Piazza Mazzini a Massa è un app di realtà aumentata (AR) per visualizzare:- il modello 3d dei resti della fornace romana- la rico...
Explore Fort Brown in an interactive, self-guided tour through this offical National Park Service app. Take this app along on your mobile device and e...
The Fort Vancouver Mobile app is designed to be used on site in The Village area of the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, in Vancouver, Wash., ju...
The AgriLife Food Safety app is a handy resource for food handlers, processors, growers, and kitchen staff. Developed by the extension experts at Texa...