In the magical land of Unitopia lives a family of princess unicorns whose sole purpose is to collect magical candy free of evil to sprinkle that goodn...
Самая реалистичная MMO, которая когда либо появлялась в App Store. Возглавьте армию в масштабных мировых войнах с использованием совсеменных танков, р...
The goal of this solitaire is to clear the board of cards by matching them to win a level. Each time you remove all cards, you will move on to the nex...
Balls are falling from the sky...Draw with your finger to direct the balls into all matching colored cups!-Game specifically designed for touch-screen...
Practice your math in new and exciting ways! * 4 Fun Game-modes: * Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division * Algebra, Missing operators & Gre...