Sourdough Bakers Calculator|生活線上App不用買


【免費生活App】Sourdough Bakers Calculator-APP點子

This is a simple application to assist people baking with sourdough starters to calculate the hydration of their final dough. Based on simple inputs of the amount of starter you are using, it's original hydration and then the amount of flour you intend on using, you can then tell what the final hydration will be.

Simply input your initial starter values, then use the up and down toggle buttons to adjust the amount of flour or water you need to achieve the desired final hydration.

Also saves your commonly used recipes so that you don't need to toggle up and down all the time, just enter your starter amounts, load a recipe and the app will adjust the basic recipe ratios to give you how much flour and water you need.

Also supports entering multiple flour types and calculates salt mass.

【免費生活App】Sourdough Bakers Calculator-APP點子

【免費生活App】Sourdough Bakers Calculator-APP點子

【免費生活App】Sourdough Bakers Calculator-APP點子

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