Silent mode|工具線上App不用買


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Silent mode - 'Shh!' is a call management app that makes it easy to block unwanted calls and helps you not miss important ones.

【免費工具App】Silent mode-APP點子

This app can help if the following situations (or similar ones) are common in your day-to-day life.

* Phone rings often at inappropriate times? Create a schedule for quiet time and don't bother to remember to set the phone on silent and back.

【免費工具App】Silent mode-APP點子

* Someone is bothering you with phone calls

【免費工具App】Silent mode-APP點子

* You are in an important meeting and you need to set the phone on mute but want to be available for emergency calls (spouse, parents, baby sitter etc.)

【免費工具App】Silent mode-APP點子

* You need to keep the phone ringer at low volume but still want the max volume when important people call

【免費工具App】Silent mode-APP點子

* You would like to ignore by default all anonymous calls

With a few simple taps Silent mode - 'Shh!' will help you be available to those calls that really matter.

Your comments and reviews are most welcomed.

"Less noise, more happiness"

【免費工具App】Silent mode-APP點子

For D.

【免費工具App】Silent mode-APP點子

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Silent mode APP LOGO

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Silent mode APP QRCode

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