Silent Contacts|通訊線上App不用買


【免費通訊App】Silent Contacts-APP點子

Silent Contacts is a companion application to Silent Phone and Silent Text.

** You must be a paid Silent Circle subscriber to use this app **

【免費通訊App】Silent Contacts-APP點子

This application is a secure, encrypted alternative to the native Android People app on your device. Silent Contacts lets you and only you access your call log and contacts. The encrypted app can be locked and password protected, giving you added control over your privacy. Silent Contacts can also import and encrypt your existing contacts.

【免費通訊App】Silent Contacts-APP點子

Silent Contacts Features

- Encrypted storage of your Silent Circle contacts

【免費通訊App】Silent Contacts-APP點子

- Control who you share your contact information with

【免費通訊App】Silent Contacts-APP點子

- Import existing contacts from into Silent Contacts

- Export contacts and share with other devices

【免費通訊App】Silent Contacts-APP點子

- Uses Silent KeyManager to securely store your encryption keys

【免費通訊App】Silent Contacts-APP點子

- Encrypted password protection for your Silent Phone application

免費玩Silent Contacts APP玩免費

免費玩Silent Contacts App

Silent Contacts APP LOGO

Silent Contacts LOGO-APP點子

Silent Contacts APP QRCode

Silent Contacts QRCode-APP點子
台灣 TaiwanAndroid
Google Play