Shopping Manager|財經線上App不用買


【免費財經App】Shopping Manager-APP點子

As a father of a large family and a person doing daily grocery shopping I was looking for an app helping control my home budget. Finally I decided to write my very own application - Shopping Manager.

Shopping Manager Application has uploaded some sample data, you cane delete it in Configuration panel.

Shopping Manager allows you to:

- make your own categories

【免費財經App】Shopping Manager-APP點子

- make your own shop list

- adding products by scanning bar codes or by selecting from list

- using voice to insert data

Main statistics:

【免費財經App】Shopping Manager-APP點子

- Money spent in product categories

- Money spent day by day

- money spent for specific products

Specific product statistics

【免費財經App】Shopping Manager-APP點子

- amount of purchased products

- highest price (in which shop)

- lowest price (in (which shop)

- average product price

【免費財經App】Shopping Manager-APP點子

Next things I plan to do:

- extend statistics

- add shopping check list

- and much more

【免費財經App】Shopping Manager-APP點子

- I would love to see your own wish list about the Shopping Manager

【免費財經App】Shopping Manager-APP點子

免費玩Shopping Manager APP玩免費

免費玩Shopping Manager App

Shopping Manager APP LOGO

Shopping Manager LOGO-APP點子

Shopping Manager APP QRCode

Shopping Manager QRCode-APP點子
Google Play