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我是Shawli,很高興有機會在這裡認識大家。我是個繪製小說封面與各式插畫為主的自由插畫家,目前已出了三本畫冊(畫冊現正熱賣中:想更認識我並看更多圖,歡迎加入: 或是女性,一直是古今中外畫家永不疲憊的作品題材。學習西洋畫的我,非常享受將諸多美麗女生,一一呈現在各位面前。曾有人在訪問我時,形容我畫中的氛圍和我畫筆下的女主角們,散發出強烈誘人的費洛蒙。因此,我以此為名,將這幾年的作品,集結成冊。 每一幅都是我精心挑選出來,更是我的心血結晶;其中包含一些參賽作品、小說封面和其他插畫繪圖。除了彩稿外,也收錄了作畫過程的部分草圖與線稿。很榮幸能有此機會跟大家分享~歡迎大家加入粉絲頁,我會不定期放新圖,也會有近況或活動報告!有你們的鼓勵和支持,我會繼續開心且努力的畫圖。謝謝~ My name is Shawli, it is a pleasure to visit my page.I am a freelance artist that draws various types of illustrations as well as art for book covers. I have already published 3 art books of my own (Art books are on sale: know more about me, please join: or figures have always been the most popular art topic since the beginning of mankind.I have always enjoyed the beauty of female figures due to my Western art background. An interviewer once asked me to describe the vicinities of the drawing and the female protagonist within that executes tempting pheromones. With that idea in mind, I combined all the favorites throughout the years of creation, to fulfill the inducing title, 'Pheromones'.Every piece of the artbook is all created with passion and love; selected carefully by me. Apart from color prints, the art book also contains sketches and the process of the illustration.It is my honor to present my creations to everyone.I appreciate the love and great support from all my fans from the bottom of my heart.With your love and support, I will continue to create beautiful artworks, thank you all!

【免費書籍App】Shawli's Fantasy Deluxe-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Shawli's Fantasy Deluxe-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Shawli's Fantasy Deluxe-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Shawli's Fantasy Deluxe-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Shawli's Fantasy Deluxe-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Shawli's Fantasy Deluxe-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Shawli's Fantasy Deluxe-APP點子

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