Selfie Photo|攝影線上App不用買


【免費攝影App】Selfie Photo-APP點子

Selfie Photo is an application for editing photos selfie. edit photos very easily with a wide range of comprehensive features.

following full feature:

【免費攝影App】Selfie Photo-APP點子

Enhance = Hi-Def, Color Fix, Illuminate

Effects = give various effects on photos

【免費攝影App】Selfie Photo-APP點子

Frames = give a picture frame

Stickers = provide a variety of unique sticker on the photo

【免費攝影App】Selfie Photo-APP點子

Crop = used to cut out images

Focus Point = gives the effect of a focal point

【免費攝影App】Selfie Photo-APP點子

Orientation = is used to rotate the photo

Brightness = set of color images

【免費攝影App】Selfie Photo-APP點子

Contrast = adjust lighting

Notice: This app is an UNOFFICIAL. If you feel there a direct copyright or trademark violation that does not follow within the fair use guidelines, please contact us .

【免費攝影App】Selfie Photo-APP點子

Saturation = unique effect

Draw = used to draw

【免費攝影App】Selfie Photo-APP點子

Text = used to write a text.

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免費玩Selfie Photo App

Selfie Photo APP LOGO

Selfie Photo LOGO-APP點子

Selfie Photo APP QRCode

Selfie Photo QRCode-APP點子
Google Play