


Scribbis is a Geo-Social Network that allows Users to communicate through Messages in Bottles that can be left anywhere on a virtual world map. It is easy: you write your Message in the Bottle and you place it anywhere you like on the map with a single click! Other Users can read it and reply to it. The bottles come in many different colors according to the topic of the message they contain (for example the RED bottles will carry messages of love!). Scribbis gives everyone the freedom to send a message to virtually anyone.


Scribbis allows you to contact people you don't know as well as your friends. By writing messages in the bottle and placing them on the world map you will have the opportunity to get into contact with anyone who sees your message. You can share your thoughts and multimedia files about a particular place that has inspired you. For example you may want to share your photos taken during a trip in a particular place, or you may want to get in contact with someone you met in a specific location but you don't know how to reestablish the contact. Sending your message in the bottle with Scribbis will give you the freedom and the chance to contact anyone you want.

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