Scrambled Quotes|解謎線上App不用買


【免費解謎App】Scrambled Quotes-APP點子

NEW! Building on the success of the popular Scrambled Verses, we now have Scrambled Quotes!

Unscramble Daily or random famous quotes. Fun, easy interface. Challenging and fun and addicting word scramble game!

Play every day! Solve the daily quote faster than anyone else and earn medals!

App requires internet connection to download the quotes and view scores.

- Play against the timer, and share your results to Facebook!

- Can you unscramble the daily quote faster than anyone else? Give it a try, then check the leader board and see where you rank!

【免費解謎App】Scrambled Quotes-APP點子

- Draw a random quote from the entire library of quotes, or select from specific author.

- Large Quote library keeps growing...keep playing for new quotes!

【免費解謎App】Scrambled Quotes-APP點子

Search for Scrambled Verses FREE to experience the same game play, but with Bible verse before buying.

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