Sciology - The Science Quiz|解謎線上App不用買


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Sciology tests your knowledge of science, chemistry, physics, biology, scientific theory, history of science, great discoveries, inventions, and more.. This science quiz is great for anyone interested or wanting to learn more about all areas of science. The quiz questions are written in everyday language with just enough technical jargon to keep test your knowledge. Sciology is great as a learning tool or quiz you can play with your friends.

Sciology Sample Questions

1) In chemistry, what does the symbol Ag stand for?

2) The unexpected discovery that some materials have no resistance to the flow of electricity promises to revolutionize industry and technology. What term is used to describe these materials?

3) A quantum leap is defined as the change of an electron within an atom from one energy state to another in what amount of time?

4) Cirrus and Cumulus are types of what?

【免費解謎App】Sciology - The Science Quiz-APP點子

5) What is Ph a measure of?

6) What is a particle of light called?

Spaceology Features

1) Play at a variety of game levels from Easy to Insane or just play the casual game

2) Question help is always available and you can even send a question to a friend

3) Post your high score to the global leaderboard and see how you compare against other Alienology fans

【免費解謎App】Sciology - The Science Quiz-APP點子

4) Submit your own trivia questions and earn game points

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