스마트한 앱포털 팟게이트에 소개되었습니다!==========================아카온에서 여러분의 성공적인 학습을 응원합니다!아카온의 유료앱을 한시적으로 무료로 다운받으세요~ (단, 인앱 상품은 제외)2014년 영어 공부는 아카온과 함께 마스터 하시길!!!==...
Does your kid like puzzles? How about an educational puzzle game that is fun, interactive, vocal, and packed with animations? PUZZINGO Core Concepts p...
This interactive game develops language, discrimination, and reasoning skills in young learners. Clear, colorful images of everyday objects promote an...
*幼児の想像力を発揮させる相互百科ゲーム-カラーマジシャン* Interactive Pedia games to stimulate and challenge children’s imagination – The Color Magician フルーツラビットおもしろ百科 *百以上にも上る多...
Winner of Best App Ever 2012 Award in the Best Infant Educational App Category!Teach your toddler about animals and their sounds with unique interacti...