


Schindler is one of four main partners who have joined forces to develop the Solar Impulse - a revolutionary aircraft that only relies on sunlight for power. With its impressive wingspan of an Airbus A340, but less than 100 times the weight, the Solar Impulse is a game changer in modern aviation. As mankind’s future depends on using clean, sustainable energy from renewable sources, this project has the potential to take the airplane industry beyond 21st century designs.

The Solar Impulse is scheduled to circle the globe in a non-stop flight without fuel in 2014.

Download the app and stay up to date with the latest achievements, events and pictures of Schindler and Solar Impulse. Receive notifications when the plane is airborne and tune in to the mission control room.

Features include:

- News


- Project related content


- Team info


- Major project developments


- Airplane specs


- Picture gallery


- Events

Schindler and Solar Impulse – joining forces today to address the challenges of tomorrow.

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