"Sequencing Tasks: Life Skills - Bundle #3" focuses on the cognitive skill of arranging photos of a task in chronological sequence. The app starts off...
This Chinese audio course is for learning conversational Mandarin Chinese from the very beginning!It consists of over 200 Audio Lessons, each lesson i...
************************************************************* 놀이가 좋아 한글이좋아 - 생활편 바쁜 엄마 아빠를 대신한 진짜 교감형 어플리케이션 탄생 일상 속의 다양한 테마를 소재로 아이가 사물에 대한 형태 인식과 반응...
Mastering English made easy with Synonyms, Antonyms and Homonyms. The most complete English Vocabulary plus Grammar education tool that focuses on bot...
Stimulate your child’s memory with the all new CosmoCamp: Matching Games app.With over 90 cards encompassing 3 themes, your child will train his memor...
In Teacher's Cube you have to choose the correct picture in 10 tries. The pictures has a specific order of direction and you must hit the correct one....