Santa's Scan-O-Matic Remote|娛樂線上App不用買


【免費娛樂App】Santa's Scan-O-Matic Remote-APP點子

A great 3-in-1 Christmas app for parents to help keep their kids mindful of Santa Claus throughout the holiday season! Kids behave when they know mom or dad can instantly check to see if they're being naughty or nice or even tell them if Santa is watching!

Professional graphics with a vintage feel make this naughty or nice detector a favorite for parents with a sense of style and makes kids believe that mommy and daddy have an app that will really tell them if they've been good or bad. You can even change modes to scan your child's finger or you can scan them from afar!

It has three separate functions:

NAUGHTY OR NICE METER- Secretly determine the outcome ahead of time by how you tap the RESET button. The candy cane needle oscillates and then tells you if you (or you friends or kids) are "Naughty" or "Nice." You control the results by tapping the RESET button. A tap on the left side of the RESET button gives a Naughty outcome when scanned, a tap on the right side of the RESET button gives a Nice outcome. A tap right in the center gives a random result! The farther right and farther left you tap will tend to give "Nicer" or "Naughtier" results. Not sure where you tapped? Look at the center light, it will show you what the result will be!

Left RESET Tap = Red Middle Light = Naughty Result

【免費娛樂App】Santa's Scan-O-Matic Remote-APP點子

Center RESET Tap = Blue Middle Light = Random Result

【免費娛樂App】Santa's Scan-O-Matic Remote-APP點子

Right RESET Tap = Green Middle Light = Nice Result ).

FUN CHRISTMAS FACTS - Each scan gives you a new randomly chosen fun Christmas fact to read.

SANTA'S WATCHING LIGHT - Here's a great way to really throw off kids: tell them Santa is watching and then show them that the Santa Watching light is on. Again, the light is secretly and completely controlled by the user or parent with no random chance involved. To change the light setting swipe your finger from left to right directly on the "Santa's Watching" light. The settings are Off, Constant On, and Blinking. The light has three settings: continually on, blinking and off. By showing kids that Santa is busy and he can't be watching all the time you'll add an aspect of reality to the story.

This app is for entertainment purposes only and does not have true "Naughty or Nice" scanning properties!

【免費娛樂App】Santa's Scan-O-Matic Remote-APP點子

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Santa's Scan-O-Matic Remote APP QRCode

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