Runner Km/Min Calculator|運動線上App不用買


【免費運動App】Runner Km/Min Calculator-APP點子

The best total time calculator for runners. Enter the distance and the speed pace time to calculate the total time of your workouts or marathons. Learn the best practices from the more experienced athlets with more than 50 best runners tips!

New version v3.0 release!

【免費運動App】Runner Km/Min Calculator-APP點子

- Look&feel new improvements to make the user experience more intuitive and confortable.

【免費運動App】Runner Km/Min Calculator-APP點子

- The "Total time" calculator for workouts has some new User Interface changes to make it more intuitive. Different font sizes and colors to show each specific result concept.

【免費運動App】Runner Km/Min Calculator-APP點子

- Added more spaces between sections to make the presentation more confortable.

- The speed pace time has been splitted in two fields for Minutes and Seconds values.

【免費運動App】Runner Km/Min Calculator-APP點子

- Added time format validations on the input fields.

【免費運動App】Runner Km/Min Calculator-APP點子

- Added the Exit option on the Menu bar.

【免費運動App】Runner Km/Min Calculator-APP點子

- Some minor bug fixes on the "Total time" calculator to make it more accurate.

- The Ads section has been splitted on a separate section.

- Added the "Thanks & Have a good training!" message to let the users know that we appreciate his choise when they use our app.

【免費運動App】Runner Km/Min Calculator-APP點子

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Runner Km/Min Calculator APP LOGO

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Runner Km/Min Calculator APP QRCode

Runner Km/Min Calculator QRCode-APP點子
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