Small and universal app that reminds you about importants stuff of your life. Set up presets for cooking, studing or workout and pin presets to your t...
Display the raw compass sensor data including:* Magnetic Bearing* True North Bearing* Magnetometer x,y,z readingsCalculates the magnetic declination b...
Calculate the unit price of similar products to compare which item is the better deal with the Unit Price Calculator! Simply input the cost and number...
Have something to say? This app has several simple images, You can show to your friends without saying anything~有話說不出嗎? 這個app提供你數個簡單易懂的圖像, 讓你不用開口也能將感覺...
This app displays the standard colors according the Pantone System. Use your camera on your phone to scan the 5 nearest Pantone-colors.The Pantone col...
Decision Lite is an application to help you decide to do something different. Of problems such as deciding what to eat? Where to? Who would do this? E...