Remember All|購物線上App不用買


【免費購物App】Remember All-APP點子

Helps you remember all your favorite things around you.

For example:

【免費購物App】Remember All-APP點子

-Add the open hours of a nice restaurant and take a picture of the menu.

-Take a picture of a perfect gift idea and add a note to go along.

-Seen something nice for your home? Add a photo to show your spouse and make a note of the dimensions.

【免費購物App】Remember All-APP點子

-A pin will automatically be added to a bing map so you can find your way back.

-Create your own tags to categorize your items the way you like it.

-Don't feel like typing a description? Save a voice memo instead.

【免費購物App】Remember All-APP點子

Remember All v1.1 includes Voice memos, more exakt positioning, minor graphic updates and other tweaks.

【免費購物App】Remember All-APP點子

免費玩Remember All APP玩免費

免費玩Remember All App

Remember All APP LOGO

Remember All LOGO-APP點子

Remember All APP QRCode

Remember All QRCode-APP點子
中國 ChinaWindows
Windows 市集