Wild Animals Lite is a FREE version of Wild Animals, a jigsaw puzzle that follows the same structure of it's first brother, Puppies, both designed for...
Fruits is a jigsaw puzzle designed for kids starting 2 years old that follows the same structure of it's other brothers, Puppies and Wild Animals. Kid...
Read xkcd comics (http://xkcd.com). Faster to load than the website, easier to navigate, and you can read the alt text (touch and hold)!免費玩xkcd APP玩免費...
Get off the phone with annoying callers by making convincing excuses, like "I'm stuck in traffic," or "In the middle of cooking." Record your wife yel...
Magic Fruits and Vegetables are Here!Prepare to amuse and amaze your friends and family!Blow into your iPhone and watch the Magic Fruits and Vegetable...
Just in time for some Valentine's Day fun, Be My Valentine brings you beautifully designed Valentine's Day-themed pairs matching concentration game. P...