RAD-AID Knowledge Manager|醫療線上App不用買


【免費醫療App】RAD-AID Knowledge Manager-APP點子

The RAD-AID Knowledge Manager is produced by RAD-AID International, a nonprofit organization aiming to empower healthcare providers and students all over the world. This app helps students, residents, researchers, and healthcare personnel to better organize resources, such as keeping up with articles in the medical/science literature on PubMed, saving/retrieving interesting clinical cases, and following-up on patient-care issues (labs, radiology/pathology results, etc.). You can scan PubMed for the latest medical literature, save the articles you want for future use, and then link those saved articles to clinical cases so that you have the most current information. You can use saved cases for instructional presentations and to refresh your knowledge. Your favorite PubMed search terms can be saved in the app for future automatic searches so that you are always on top of new developments in your field. This app meets the on-the-go, fast-paced needs of students, residents, attendings, nurses, health care providers, and technologists in all specialties of medical and surgical practice.

【免費醫療App】RAD-AID Knowledge Manager-APP點子

【免費醫療App】RAD-AID Knowledge Manager-APP點子

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RAD-AID Knowledge Manager APP LOGO

RAD-AID Knowledge Manager LOGO-APP點子

RAD-AID Knowledge Manager APP QRCode

RAD-AID Knowledge Manager QRCode-APP點子
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