


★ 46% off till March 1, 2013 (US$12.99 to US$6.99 or equivalent in your store region) ★QuickPie will let you quickly create pie charts, which you can save as JPEG or PNG images. You can save any number of datasets. Tap the Data button to see a list of datasets.// Features //1. Save chart images as JPEG (compression rate between 1 and 100) or PNG, which can be retrieved through a desktop computer.2. Save any number of datasets. Select one to load from a popover table.3. Define your own pie colors.4. Set fonts for the title and category list. Set stroke to the title font or not. The user can also choose not to set a title at all.5. Select one of 10 background patterns.6. Control the pie chart size.7. The application comes with a built-in user’s guide (See > General settings > Help.).8. Delete all saved chart images with a tap on a button.9. Let QuickPie automatically number pie chart images. Or let it overwrite an existing file. You decide.10. Chart image dimensions: 768 x 960 px (portrait) or 1024 x 704 px (landscape) for non-Retina display, 1536 x 1920 (portrait) or 2048 x 1408 (landscape) for Retina display.11. Language: English only12. File size: 2.6 MB// System requirements //1. iOS 6.0 or higher2. iPad// Limitations //1. The maximum number of pie pieces (categories) is 20.2. In order to retrieve saved chart images, you must have access to a desktop computer with iTunes (Apple’s multimedia application) installed.





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