Precious Metal Calculator|財經線上App不用買


【免費財經App】Precious Metal Calculator-APP點子

The Precious Metal Calculator for the iPhone and iPod touch was developed with pawn shop owners, jewelers, and precious metal dealers in mind. The user can quickly check live spot prices and calculate there value in many units of measurement. The live market prices are provided from Kitco, the industry standard in precious metal market prices. At the home screen when the app is opened provides the user with Live prices for Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium. Once a metal is selected you can quickly select the weight, unit of measurement, purity and your percent of spot (100% by default). At the bottom of the screen you calculation of the given information is displayed instantly. ** Precious Metal Calculator also uses last pulled prices if you are with out a data connection**

【免費財經App】Precious Metal Calculator-APP點子

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