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Are you a Christian who wants a new source of inspiration in how to pray, backed by the Bible?Prayers & Blessings Daily is a daily notification that delivers inspiring and Biblical prayers and blessings to your phone daily. An attractive display that shows a verse or prayer each day from a large selection picked from the Bible or respected authors.These are best read alongside a verse from our other Daily Quotes products for a good daily balance.Switch between the English Standard Version (ESV) or a classic King James (KJV) translation, to give excellent readability.Clicking on your verse for the day shows an expanded view which allows you to focus in on the verse and choose from links to other translations online, or see the whole chapter.You can also 'Share with a friend' at the click of a button, and send the verse straight to them via an email or SMS text message. Share the blessing of a Bible verse with them too!The notification can be shown each day alongside your daily tasks and appointments in the Notification Bar.We're also excited to announce that we can bring you access to the mobile version of BibleGateway, so you can get even more out of the verse by simply clicking and going online and reading the whole chapter in any number of different translations of the Bible, using this excellent and trusted resource.Please also check out our other highly popular Daily Bible Apps, 'Identity in Christ Daily' and 'Words of Jesus Daily'

【免費生活App】Prayers And Blessings Daily-APP點子

【免費生活App】Prayers And Blessings Daily-APP點子

【免費生活App】Prayers And Blessings Daily-APP點子

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