Portal Runner|街機線上App不用買


【免費街機App】Portal Runner-APP點子

Portal Runner is a game that will take you through a world of quick wits and reflexes.

【免費街機App】Portal Runner-APP點子

Being thrown into alien worlds, your main weapon will be your brain along with the ability to open dimensional rifts granting you the power to teleport and bend the rules of physics. An ability that will be your key to victory.

【免費街機App】Portal Runner-APP點子

In this adventure, time will be your enemy, so you will have to think and react quickly in order to achieve high scores or even to simply survive.

This first version of the game includes a tutorial level and two other levels for you to unlock and complete.

【免費街機App】Portal Runner-APP點子

It features two difficulty modes that influence the time limit to make this game accessible for both casual and hardcore players.

Future releases will add new levels, mechanics and challenges to this game.

【免費街機App】Portal Runner-APP點子

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Portal Runner APP LOGO

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