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Photographers Rights can help photographers to understand their legal rights in different countries, providing practical help such as asking common questions in different languages using your iPhone speaker to pronounce them, with a native voice, common questions for photographers.Every country has different laws regarding photography, copyright and contracts with individuals. Maybe in your country it's totally legal to take a picture of a building but it could be illegal in another one. Maybe a police agent approaches you telling that you cannot take a picture and you don't really know if the agent is right or not. With Photographers Rights, you will have always a simple and quick legal reference that will help you decide about your actions, as a photographer in different countries.Photographers Rights also provides a quick list of common phrases in different languages, but you don't have to read them, the application will speak for you in the country native language of your choice.It also provides common used contracts in different languages, that you can send to yourself by email.Main features:1. Legal rules for USA, Australia, Canada, UK, Japan, Spain, Italy, France.2. Your legal rights, valid for every of the supported countries.3. General copyright laws, common to the supported countries.4. Privacy laws, common to the supported countries.5. Contracts in different languages, valid on the corresponding language spoken countries.6. Common questions for photographers, that can be played in French, Japanese, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, GermanFollow Photographers Rights on twitter to get updates and news: @pietrozucoTODO:1. Working on translation into Japanese.2. Audio recording useful for legal proof in case of a trial.3. More languages and countries support

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