Photo Downloader 4 SNS|社交線上App不用買


【免費社交App】Photo Downloader 4 SNS-APP點子

SNS Photo Downloader is free application.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are common Social Network in the world. Everyone has at least one account of each Social Network and share photo to it.

But one day, you realize you need download all photo from your Social Network and save it to your devices, SNS Photo Downloader will help you to do that thing.

【免費社交App】Photo Downloader 4 SNS-APP點子

SNS Photo Downloader help you to view, download all photo from your Social Network like: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

This application also support filter, search allow you easy to view your image.

Main function of SNS Photo Downloader:

【免費社交App】Photo Downloader 4 SNS-APP點子

+ Support three social network account: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

+ Allow you can download, delete, and share your image.

【免費社交App】Photo Downloader 4 SNS-APP點子

+ Allow view image just like Gallery, you can rotate image.

+ Allow you download, customize location to save file.

【免費社交App】Photo Downloader 4 SNS-APP點子

+ Support show with thumbnail in gallery.

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