Personalized Drug Reference|教育線上App不用買


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Personalized Genetic-Based Drug Reference (PGDR) is an app that is designed for both patients and physicians alike. One of the largest costs in health care comes from ineffective drug treatment or harmful drug interactions. This app should be a valuable tool for patients and their physicians if they are taking any drug related to the CYP450 metabolic system. This is one of the most common metabolic pathways of pharmacologic intervention and is responsible in some capacity for the metabolization of 75% of all drug therapy. Though this app is cardiology focused, it covers a broad spectrum of drug therapy interactions from antipsychotics to HIV treatments.

If you have had a genetic test to identify your genetic profile, this app will prove to be a helpful resource for you and your doctor(s), pharmacist, or caregiver when discussing how to achieve optimal treatment with your medications.

The goal of this app is to raise awareness of the link between a patient’s genetic makeup and the potential that it has shown to improve the effectiveness of that patient’s drug therapy.

【免費教育App】Personalized Drug Reference-APP點子

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