Peninsula Ireland's A-Z Guide to Employment Law|商業線上App不用買


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This service is specifically created for company owners, directors, employers and HR professionals. This complete guide contains all the advice, information and facts about all Irish employment law issues that affect businesses and their employees. As any employer will testify, every day can throw new challenges in your path. Perhaps you're facing a business transfer, or have been served with employment tribunal papers; perhaps you're just becoming overwhelmed by the mire of employment law legislation. These are times when you could really do with the input of an expert. From absenteeism to working hours, employers can find an employment law guide for any query in this Peninsula A-Z. Written by legal professionals, and honed by over 25 years of working with employers, our advice is second to none. All you need to know what the situation, whatever the circumstances, this free online service is designed to help employers understand how employment law impacts your business.

【免費商業App】Peninsula Ireland's A-Z Guide to Employment Law-APP點子

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