Patrol Link|生產應用線上App不用買


【免費生產應用App】Patrol Link-APP點子

Patrol link is a powerful cloud based mobile application which can help you stay organized and connected to your important information. Built by Police Officers for Police Officers. The Patrol Link Data Management System is fast, easy, and is a 100% FREE cloud based application. Access your data from the Patrol Link Mobile App with custom search options, print, edit, and delete data records on the fly. Managing your POST training and non-POST training records has never been easier. Plus, with Patrol Link you can track all your equipment expenses throughout the year.

Get rid of those binders full of paper training certificates and boxes full receipts. Start using Patrol Link today!

Features include:

*Manage your training records in one place.

*POST training management - track all your training hours by POST Cycle.

【免費生產應用App】Patrol Link-APP點子

*Track your training mileage. Log your travel miles for tax time.

*Search through your training records with custom search features.

【免費生產應用App】Patrol Link-APP點子

*View, Print, Edit, and Delete training records on the fly.

*Track equipment purchases for tax time.

【免費生產應用App】Patrol Link-APP點子

*Upload an image of your receipts and training certificates for easy access and export them to a spreadsheet with a click of a button.

*View your account from any computer in the world by visiting *(coming late 2014).

【免費生產應用App】Patrol Link-APP點子

*Recall important notes later down the road with the “Case Notes” feature.

*Sharpen your skills and techniques with Patrol Links Standardized Field Sobriety Testing information. Gain access to SFST training videos, testing requirements, testing clues, and more.

【免費生產應用App】Patrol Link-APP點子

*First Aid – Adult, Infant, and Child CPR information at your fingertips.

*Put those pads of paper away and enter notes using Patrol Links field notebook feature.

【免費生產應用App】Patrol Link-APP點子

*Stay up to date with important police related news stories.

*Connect with other Law Enforcement Offices from around the country with our custom social network feature.

*Need to collect other types of data? We will build you a custom data collection table that can suit your needs. All you have to do is contact our support team and let us know what type of data you need to collect. We will then build you a custom database application that only you will have access to!

**Data connection is required.

***Disclaimer***Never use the Patrol Link Mobile App while dealing with a suspect in the field without proper assistance.

****Use the contact us section to request new features and provide feedback so we can continue to build a powerful system that will continue to assist your needs.

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