Passwordium 2|工具線上App不用買


【免費工具App】Passwordium 2-APP點子

Passwordium 2 is a follow-up on the popular Passwordium app. Passwordium 2 allows you to create passwords that are easy to remember because they are created by utilizing the English language dictionary. You can also use your own special dictionary words to help you build your easy to remember, and to you, meaningful passwords. Passwordium 2 will continually generate 40 passwords and you can pause the password generation and select one or all that you like. Copy one or 40 passwords, at a time, and use it any way you like! You can hide or show all passwords being generated.Passwordium 2 combines two to four english language words with optional special characters and numerics to let you create either small or large passwords. If your system accepts only certain special characters, you can edit the special characters in preferences, so that only your specific special characters can be used in password generation. To further obfuscate the password, and still make it memorable, replace all the digits 1 with letter l, or letter t, replace all the characters 0 with letter O or vice versa!You can optionally store the passwords on your iPhone - they will be stored and ENCRYPTED with a master password that you specify. You can view all your stored passwords, only if you enter the master password.You can also specify an expiry date for a password, and Passwordium 2 can warn you a few days before the password expires, that your password is due for expiration. This gives you the ability to generate another password.

【免費工具App】Passwordium 2-APP點子

【免費工具App】Passwordium 2-APP點子

【免費工具App】Passwordium 2-APP點子

【免費工具App】Passwordium 2-APP點子

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免費玩Passwordium 2 App

Passwordium 2 APP LOGO

Passwordium 2 LOGO-APP點子

Passwordium 2 APP QRCode

Passwordium 2 QRCode-APP點子
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